Recommender system - true that

I will start with a bit of humour. Actually, I find it hard to entertain people with joke, as the way I tell the joke does not keep it funny anymore as I cannot stifle the laugh before I deliver the climax of it. Anyway, I will be paraphrasing:

“In early 2012, a story broke about a man who had come into a Target store wielding a fistful of coupons addressed to his high-school-aged daughter. He had come to berate the manager because this set of coupons were exclusively for things such as baby clothes, formula, and furniture.

On hearing the man's complaint, the manager apologized profusely. In fact, he felt so bad that he wanted to follow up several days later over the phone to explain how this had happened. Only this time, on the phone, the father was the one apologizing. It seems his daughter was, in fact, pregnant. Her shopping habits had given her away.

The algorithm that gave her away was most likely based, at least in part, on collaborative filtering.”

_Excerpt From: “Python Machine Learning Blueprints.” Apple Books. _