COVID-19 Lockdown & Melbourne Now

This is first time in my life…in a situation unprecedented. We already know how COVID-19 (trademark CoronaVirus) has extorted our lives. Starting in Wahun, China and then invading Italy, Spain, France and now our homecity and loving Melbourne.

Situation is more surrealistic. In the early times I felt like an enactment of apocalyptic movie. Like some over makebelieve Hollywood movies where US duly (;), wink, wink) dubbed as saviour of the whole universe or planet. But this real-life saga has left the US utterly into limbos and they are now more concerned than most other first world counties. As of now, it has 3,782 cases. Hope, this situation gets under control in the US. Heart goes with the countries less fortuante like Bangladesh, Italy or likewise where healthcare has already surpassed boiling point and gone amuck in such a spike of cases.

Last night, in an extraordinary move to quail the spread Victorian Prime Minister anounced State of Emergency (SoE). It is the first time in my life I am going through situation like this. All public run shows, entertainment, hospitality industries have postpones their services. Some of the iconic spots like NGV, Melbourne Arts Gallery have closed their doors until further notice. I could not imagine, I would have to experience days like this.

People have been advised not to step out of home unless they need to. So most of the workplaces (my employer SEEK including) have decreed the peeps to Work From Home (WFH). So, the feeling is we have ushered into different days (cannot say new to not ascribe it auspicious, it is actually eerie). More virtual correspondence, less physical presence. I hope we find order in chaos.

Another unsolicited consequence of SoE is dwindling supply in supermarkets where we unleash our feudal instinct triggered by panic of uncertainty that may be lurking. Panic waves are really like waves in ocean. When it spews in far middle in the ocean, it is moderately weak, but as it rolls towards the shore, becomes surging waves crushing the what comes on its way. A number of times, before I stepped into the grocery stores, in the last couple of days, I was aiming not to overbuy anything. But on some occasions, I broke the rules somewhat feeling peer pressure. But I apologize if I overstepped on those moments.

Anyway, life is like amazing agile vine. Prune it, it will thrive some time. Leave it in drought, will stay dormant, but will bring forth green buds. Take care folks.